As an internationally active company, the status as an authorized economic operator (AEO) brings you many advantages, such as simplified and faster customs clearance, classification as a trustworthy and reliable economic operator and reduced customs inspection. In addition, AEO certification of your partners is mandatory for many business partners and distinguishes you as a trustworthy company. Meet your challenges and guarantee that your AEO status is maintained and that you benefit from the competitive advantages that come with it. To meet status requirements, you need to ensure both systemically and extra-systemically that all foreign trade-related data in your supply chain is checked for accuracy. Using SAP GTS makes it easier for you to comply with customs regulations and your internal and external logistics chains, and secures your processes.
If these requirements cannot be met, you could face penalties and the loss of your AEO authorization. Gross violations can result in your company being placed on a sanctions list and partially or completely excluded from international trade. SAP GTS also protects you from conducting business transactions with sanctioned companies or persons by automatically checking all system-relevant transactions against the sanctions list and blocking them if they match. Of course, SAP GTS also offers a general check option for companies and persons for which there is no system-related transaction, such as visitors.