In many countries, goods are subject to legal control regarding export release by local authorities, such as the BAFA in Germany. In other regions of the world, the export of goods within certain limits is generally prohibited.In some countries, on the other hand, export is not permitted if goods contain a proportion of primary materials of US origin. It is therefore necessary to check goods, sanctions and embargo lists and to clarify whether the movement of goods is subject to special permits. Especially if a company exports a lot, this control of export processes becomes a challenge.
Exporting companies are faced with a complex export control process. Because if they produce and sell technologically high-value goods, they have to ensure that their export processes are controlled from production to shipping to the end customer. In particular, it is their task to be able to provide information to the control authorities at all times and to comply with the law. Violations of the law can result in fines and criminal prosecution, which can threaten the existence of companies.
The law does not prescribe how a company should avoid products that are relevant for testing and their business processing - or how to log and archive test procedures. However, anyone who regularly exports goods should opt for a system-supported solution.
For this purpose, the SAP solution from the field of export control integrated in the GTS system is suitable as an automated verification.
CONSILIO's experts advise you consistently - to ensure compliance with legal regulations as well as effective anchoring in business processes and organisational integration in your company.