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Ensure global visibility across supply chain planning

Creating global visibility across supply chain planning is a major challenge for many manufacturing companies. Planning is ineffective because a planner has to monitor many areas. Thus, he cannot focus on the essential problems. Generally, there is intransparency in your supply chain network and proactive monitoring is not possible. Suppliers and customers are insufficiently included in your supply chain planning, because supply chain planning ends at your company's border. Address these challenges because improving visibility into your supply chain facilitates problem solving and continuous supply chain improvements become possible.


  • Performance management with SAP standard and customer-specific key figures
  • Network visibility enables proactive monitoring and facilitates problem resolution
  • Continuous improvements are enabled
  • Integrated processes with suppliers and customers across company boundaries
Higher efficiency in planning
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faster identification of planning problems


  • With many years of experience in the implementation of alert-based planning processes, our experts implement customized planning views, dashboards and alerts for you. In this way, we create transparency in your network and activate proactive monitoring, simplified solution finding and continuous improvements in your company.
  • We provide your company with a constantly updated overview of the entire supply chain with meaningful analyses of aggregated and disaggregated planning data. Combined with the appropriate exception management tools with case and task management, this allows you to focus on the most important decisions.
  • With the necessary care, we enable the integration of your suppliers and customers into your planning processes, for example via Ariba integration. In this way, we create integrated processes across your company boundaries

Our services

  • Analysis of the entire supply chain
  • Creation of planning views, dashboards and alerts
  • Inclusion of suppliers and customers in the planning processes, for example through Ariba integration

Ensure global transparency across the supply chain!

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