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Simplified shift planning

Save time and money with our add-on solution!
Simplify your shift planning in the future and react flexibly to changes.

You are a SAP user and use SAP PP, PP/DS or SAP APO? And you are looking for a solution that will allow you to save time in shift planning and at the same time react flexibly to disturbances and changes? No problem. You can close this gap with the CONSILIO solution for simplified capacity and shift maintenance in SAP ERP, SAP S/4HANA and SAP APO PP/DS.

Flyer on simplified shift planning

Highlights of the CONSILIO Add-on solution

Mass maintenance of workstations with a few clicks

Increase of planning quality and delivery reliability

"Out of the box"

Individually customizable


Anyone familiar with the shift maintenance provided in the SAP standard knows that it is complicated, often not transparent and difficult to operate for the user. Errors can easily occur. The settings are complex, oversized in some scenarios and insufficient for others. The CONSILIO solution for simplified capacity and shift maintenance is a valuable tool for many planners.


FLEXIBILITY - Whether machine downtime, shift cancellations due to illness or vacation planning, the CONSILIO solution enables a quick reaction to planning changes while simultaneously increasing efficiency.

TIME SAVING - Numerous clicks for an individual adjustment per day are a thing of the past. For mass maintenance of workstations, shift programs from similar workstations can be clearly arranged in any periods can be viewed and maintained. No matter whether for 30 or 3,000 employees and workstations

Difficulties with capacity and shift maintenance have long been known in many companies. Our solution is new. We would be pleased to show you how you can save time in shift planning and react flexibly to changes.

Ralf Bernhard, Managing Director CONSILIO GmbH Contact expert
less maintenance effort
improved data quality
Daumen Icon - CONSILIO GmbH
higher delivery reliability
weeks project duration


  • Simple and transparent maintenance of shift offers to SAP workstations
  • Copy and paste functionalities between workstations and shift programs
  • Quick activation and deactivation of shift programs
  • Fast maintenance of additional shifts from one or more workstations (capacities) with the
  • Possibility to maintain individual shift times
  • Exits in standard transactions to work center, capacity and APO
  • Simplified maintenance of degree of utilization, number of individual capacities and shift programs in tabular form
  • Possibility to download layers in Excel
  • Mass maintenance over several years if required
  • Automatic determination of the appropriate shift offer
  • Simple and intuitive operating concept

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