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Integrated planning across all supply chain areas

Many companies use different planning solutions in the individual departments. Often, these planning systems are outdated or not networked with each other. The result is an inefficient planning process with a low degree of automation in data processing. Synergies are not optimally utilized and friction losses inevitably occur. Meet your challenge and create integrated planning across all supply chain areas. This will ensure that you can react flexibly and quickly to events in your supply chain and increase your supply chain resilience in the long term.


  • Better comparability between plans from different departments, such as financial, sales, capacity, production and supplier planning
  • More efficient planning and therefore a better planning result in terms of profitability and resource utilization
  • More flexible supply chain response to events, opportunities, and risks
  • Increase supply chain resilience
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higher profitability
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better planning results
Increase supply chain resilience

Our services

  • Analysis of your supply chain and supply chain planning processes
  • Establishment of an overall process for more efficient supply chain planning and support in the change process
  • Establishment of a uniform planning solution for all process steps
  • Coaching, training & support of your employees


  • CONSILIO's technical and system experts from all areas of supply chain planning analyze your supply chain and the associated supply chain planning processes in detail. We enable your company to achieve better planning results in terms of profitability and resource utilization.
  • We set up a future-oriented overall process for your supply chain planning and support your company in all change processes. This enables you to create a robust supply chain that reacts flexibly to events. Your company thus increases its supply chain resilience in the long term.
  • We create a uniform underlying data basis for you with the "Single Point of Truth". You can thus use central data monitoring, have global access to alerting functionalities and reduce the need for coordination.


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