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Business Partner

All stakeholders of a company in one property

If you want to switch to S/4HANA, there is no getting round the business partner. Implementing the business partner and thus transforming your own customer, supplier and contact data is mandatory during an S/4HANA project.

But what exactly is the Business Partner and what are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing it?

In today's SAP ECC, a business partner, i.e. a company, person or group in which you as a company have an interest, can appear in several processes. Unfortunately, the same master data source is not used for all processes, although there is information that is identical in every process. This forces you to keep generalised data redundant. If you maintain both sales and purchasing relationships with an entity, a supplier and a customer must be created and maintained in the system. If generally valid data changes, both data records must be kept up to date accordingly. The maintenance of redundant data is no longer necessary thanks to the business partner. Where previously several transactions were necessary to keep the master data up to date and of high quality, there is now only one. Knowledge about business relationships becomes more transparent and shifts away from the specialised departments.

Advantages of the Business Partner

Der SAP-Geschäftspartner stellt eine zentral gepflegte Entität dar, mit dem Ihr Unternehmen Beziehungen pflegt. Als übergeordnete Instanz enthält er sämtliche allgemeingültigen Informationen und schreibt diese an weiterhin existierende Kunden und Lieferanten weiter. Dies bedeutet das die Objekte Kunde / Lieferant weiterhin in einem SAP S/4Hana System existieren, allerdings durch die Pflege im Business Partner automatisch über die sogenannte Customer-Vendor-Integration, kurz CVI, aktuell gehalten werden.  

Soweit die Theorie der SAP. In der Praxis führt diese "vereinfachte Datenhaltung" tatsächlich zu Problemen. So kann beispielsweise nun für Kunden und Lieferanten, sprich im Business Partner, nur noch eine Email-Adresse erfasst werden. Diese wird dann sowohl beim Versand von Dokumenten aus dem Vertrieb als auch aus dem Einkaufsbereich herangezogen. Das führt zu Problemen, da diese Informationen oft unterschiedlich ausgeprägt sind. Zudem ist zu erwähnen, dass das Objekt "Business Partner" in so gut wie allen Logistik-Modulen nicht integriert ist. Es werden dort weiterhin die Objekte Kunde / Lieferant verwendet. 

Klingt verwirrend - ist es auch.

Our services

We help you to bring light into the darkness and support you with our expertise from a large number of projects.

  • Initial Business Partner Workshop - Let's create the same understanding.
  • Creation of a business partner concept
  • Implementation of the Business Partner in ECC as a preliminary project for an S/4Hana brownfield project
  • Carrying out the migration of the Business Partner to a new S/4Hana system (greenfield / crossfield)
  • Implementation of the Business Partner employee

There is no way around the Business Partner - implementation is mandatory under S/4HANA.
Benefit from our extensive experience from numerous projects. Contact us now for an initial Business Partner Workshop.
We will also be happy to support you with the practical implementation afterwards.

Matthias Lebschy, Senior Consultant (MM/SRM)
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An extract of our projects.



Creation of the BP concept

Determination of the business partner roles

Definition of the Customer Vendor Integration



Creation of the BP concept

Implementation of the BP concept