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Increase customer satisfaction

Consistently high product quality automatically leads to high customer satisfaction. Should complaints nevertheless arise, a coordinated complaints process guarantees that your customers will continue to buy and order from you. Make sure that you meet your customers' needs better and faster and guarantee satisfactory communication with them. Face your challenges, because low or fluctuating quality significantly affects your customers' satisfaction. Using an integrated complaint management system will help you provide future-oriented customer service and manifest your customer base.


  • Use of integrated quality management
  • Higher quality of products and processes 
  • Increased satisfaction of external and internal customers 
  • Fulfillment of customer-specific quality agreements
  • Satisfactory communication with customers
  • Customer needs can be met better and faster
  • Satisfactory processing of customer requests
  • Accurate monitoring of where products are currently in the process
faster processes
Daumen Icon - CONSILIO GmbH
higher customer satisfaction
stronger customer loyalty



Introduction of transparent processes for proactive response in production & logistics

Realization through traceability

Our services

  • Introduction of an integrated quality management
  • Development of an individual SAP QM system
  • Consulting and implementation regarding customer-oriented quality management processes
  • Cross-module solution finding


  • We support you in the introduction of integrated quality management. Increase the quality of your products and processes and satisfy your external and internal customers.
  • CONSILIO's experts will develop an SAP QM system for you, with which you can make customer-specific quality agreements. Ensure that you meet the exact needs of your customers
  • CONSILIO advises you on customer-oriented quality management processes and their implementation

Set up your production future-oriented!

Let us advise you with TOP quality.

Contact us now