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DELMIA Quintiq Macro Planner

Your DELMIA Quintiq tool for future-oriented strategic and tactical planning of your production capacities

The DELMIA Quintiq Macro Planner helps you make a variety of business decisions, such as choosing the right time to reinvest. It offers holistic flow optimization for the entire supply chain (from purchasing to delivery) or only for critical parts of the supply chain (e.g. product flow within a plant). You can also use the DELMIA Quintiq Macro Planner to easily evaluate and compare different scenarios in your planning to be prepared for any eventualities. Use the DELMIA Quintiq Macro Planner to help your planners with various projects in production program planning or operational distribution planning. Together with our experts and the DELMIA Quintiq Macro Planner, you can further optimize the strategic processes in your company and create added value for your customers.

Good reasons for the DELMIA Quintiq Macro Planner

How does the DELMIA Quintiq Macro Planner benefit your company?

Do you want to be informed about how your planning is improved by the decisions you have made at all times? Then the DELMIA Quintiq Macro Planner is the right tool for you. With the KPI Dashboard, you not only have the ability to display your own requirements in the form of a key performance indicator, but all relevant KPIs for your strategic planning decisions are visible at all times and the consequences of each decision are visualized in real time. The DELMIA Quintiq Macro Planner provides you with a solution tailored to your specific needs, allowing you to fully identify as many solution scenarios as possible. This ensures that all your requirements are taken into account and conflicts of interest are eliminated. Would you like to support your planners in implementing your ideas even more efficiently? With its integrated scenario management, the DELMIA Quintiq Macro Planner allows you to easily customize an initial scenario and to create and compare different planning scenarios. This ensures that your company is always prepared for all eventualities. In addition to meeting the strategic and long-term requirements of your company, the DELMIA Quintiq Macro Planner can also be used as a master production scheduling tool for the medium to short-term planning horizon. The DELMIA Quintiq Macro Planner provides you with a customizable, flexible and configurable software solution to meet any planning challenge.


Your planning decisions

The planning decisions in your company are often very complex. DELMIA Quintiq Macro Planner allows you to make these decisions in a strategically sound way, for example:

  • Which shift model is optimal for the resources in the business process to be mapped?
  • Which investments or reinvestments should be made and when?
  • What should the product portfolio look like depending on the expected sales in the respective market?
  • How is the capacity of the warehouses and buffers best utilized?
  • From which supplier or internal source should materials or components be purchased?
  • What stocks of finished products should be available at all times?
  • What should tours, for example from the supplier to the plant look like and which tours can be combined?

Goals of the DELMIA Quintiq Macro Planner

Benefit from the experience of our employees and achieve your goals with the DELMIA Quintiq Macro Planner, for example:

  • Visibility of inventory throughout the supply chain
  • Achieving sales targets through an optimized product range
  • Consideration of cost efficiency for different supply scenarios
  • Maximization of fulfilled orders by comparing possible scenarios
  • Control over the stock at any time
  • Differentiation of the service requirements of sales and customers


Modeling planning scenarios and what-if analyses are important tools for deciding whether investments in production planning and network design are worthwhile. Watch the webinar to see how you can use the DELMIA Quintiq Macro Planner to make complex planning decisions in a strategically sensible way.

Mit dem DELMIA Quintiq Macro Planner Planungsszenarien optimieren und Lösungen modellieren

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