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Disposition parameter guide

For optimal use of variables in scheduling.

The high complexity of the standard software SAP ERP, which results from its large variety of functions and the necessary set of parameters, can have a negative impact both in the implementation phase and during operation. The following points play a role in the setting of the scheduling procedures alone:

  • SAP PP (Production Planning and Control) has approx. 150-200 parameters. Of these, 40 are linked to the individual material to be produced or stored
  • With 25,000 material master records, this means that around one million parameters have to be set and maintained
  • Many useful functions, such as different forecasting methods, are ignored due to ignorance of the system effects or because of excessive configuration complexity. CONSILIO has therefore developed a "Disposition Parameter Guide" - also available as a workshop - which shows the optimal use of manipulated variables in scheduling

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