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Data migration in 3 steps

Initial Situation

As part of a global SAP ERP rollout program at Knorr-Bremse, another company was to be integrated into the company's SAP-based process and system landscape.

The data migration took place in three steps:

  1. Raw data transfer
  2. Mapping the data
  3. Creation of SAP objects


The raw data was transferred to a customer-specific table in the target SAP system using a tool developed to automatically fill the table fields from the legacy system file. In the next step, the mapped data was transferred to the second table. During the transfer, the data was checked for accuracy. The data stored in the second table was marked with a flag to indicate whether the mapping and data check were successful, which allowed targeted error handling. In the third step, the SAP objects were created: Master data such as customers, goods recipients etc. and transaction data such as sales orders, contracts etc. The results of the creation were written back to the second table and assigned a processing indicator. The SAP objects were created using standard BAPIs or, if no suitable standard SAP objects were available, using batch input.

Solution highlight

The data migration was carried out in three steps. Data preparation was split into two tables. This led to a higher degree of automation in data analysis and processing and reduced the susceptibility of the data to errors. Manual intervention was thus reduced and relieved the migration team considerably.