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Weig Holding

Creation of a Fiori-based purchasing reporting system

Minimum effort – maximum benefit for management and specialist departments

To the Quick facts

Implementation Highlights

  • Creation of purchasing reporting including 10 Fiori apps in 10 days
  • Lean solution with many reporting apps for a low budget
  • Evaluation of KPIs across the entire purchasing department
  • Development of purchasing reporting with standard Fiori apps and supplementation with KPIs developed in-house
  • Implementation of the Fiori apps without programming in the frontend
In Time & in Budget
Standard in the Fiori frontend
Purchasing KPIs
Days Project duration


Procurement reporting that is properly integrated into the SAP system landscape helps to increase the importance of procurement in the company. At the start of the project, Weig did not yet have such a purchasing reporting system for management and specialist departments. It was not possible to pull information on order volumes, suppliers and product and purchasing groups from a system at the touch of a button and in real time.

Thanks to CONSILIO's expertise, we have expanded our purchasing reporting with a minimal budget and gain a detailed insight into the performance of purchasing with the help of the relevant key figures.

Ole Pötter, Purchasing Manager WEIG Holding GmbH & Co. KG


  • Definition of purchasing KPIs and introduction of purchasing reporting with implementation as close to standard as possible
  • Structure of CDS views with optimal function in Fiori
  • Preparation of purchasing reporting with as little effort as possible and at the same time maximum benefit for management and specialist departments


  • Creation of purchasing reporting for management and specialist departments using purchasing KPIs and implementation as close as possible to the SAP standard
  • Strengthening the basis for negotiations with suppliers
  • Monitoring of purchasing performance and early identification of optimization potential


  • Simple reporting of all relevant KPIs
  • Purchasing reporting in real time
  • In-house developed apps with drill-down functionality
  • Use of the Fiori Launchpad for future reporting
  • In addition to the visualized key figure apps, a detailed report „Orders 360 degrees“ was created