In most cases, several iterations are necessary to arrive at a capacity-coordinated production plan. In today's world, and especially with multi-stage production, this is hardly feasible manually. The high effort in terms of costs, integration and IT support often prevented medium-sized companies from additionally operating an external advanced planning system. However, due to limited possibilities for finite planning, production planning in the ERP comes up with results that cannot be implemented in production. Excel and other tools are used, transparency is lost due to lack of integration into the ERP.
The integrated detailed planning SAP embedded PP/DS provides a production and detailed planning solution with many advantages for planners:
Coordinated, smoothed and feasible production plans across plants and scheduling levels; reduction of lead time in the entire production chain; setup-optimized planning and optimal capacity utilization. All production constraints such as machine, personnel, production resource/tool capacities and availability are taken into account simultaneously.As a decisive innovation, SAP ePP/DS is technically fully integrated in S/4HANA and thus enables a seamless transition from detailed production planning to production execution. In S/4HANA installations, PP/DS is already technically included and can be easily activated via configuration. Master data such as material masters, work centers can be selectively activated for detailed planning and optimization by setting an indicator. This enables successive use of PP/DS.
With the help of SAP embedded PP/DS, typical production planning goals can be achieved more easily: